Our First Party
A number of people in my grad school program have held small, controlled get-togethers for their friends. My roommates and I thought we should reciprocate, by inviting about 30 of our friends to our apartment on Thursday night.....What started as a simple affair turned into a full-out party, with well over 100 people showing up. Apparently our party was "the party" that everyone somehow just knew to show up for. I even met one girl who had arrived in Bologna only hours before. Luckily nothing broke and no one got hurt, so all was a success. Here are some pics from the fete:

I don't remember the name of the person on the left, but in the center is Kurt and on the right is Natalie. This was before the entire school showed up....

This is Megan, one of my roommates, and Liam, who actually lives across the street from me back in Washington
Kay, Reza, and Noah (who lives upstairs)
Shay (who went on the trip to Amalfi last weekend), a person whose name I can't recall, and Stephen (who lives with Natalie in the apartment building next door)
The Aftermath....I think there were at least 20-25 bottles of wine and a few empty liquor bottles. People went a little nuts....
Yeh, so that was the party....Pretty crazy....
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