What I Am Reading Now
So as not to be accused of not updating the blog frequently enough, I thought I would post a random update on how my schoolwork is going. Not that anyone is interested in this information, as I assume adventures at the bar are more fun and involve more pictures, but unfortunately, this is the bulk of my waking life now.
Tomorrow is the last day to register for classes. Or at least to register for the classes that you actually want to take, as opposed the classes you "thought" you wanted to take, before you actually thought about whether you want to take international trade theory and international monetary theory in the same semester. I decided not to--why not spread the economic fun over two semesters?
Anyway, I decided my class schedule will consist of French (intermediate-low; how I am intermediate anything in French is beyond me), international trade theory (think edgeworth box), America and the world since WW II (a sort of required course, so don't laugh at me), international political economy (talking about the meaning of capitalism at 8:30 on a Monday morning sounds like fun to you, too, right?), and European security studies (when are the EU and Russia going to be friends again?). I actually like the group of classes. Amazing when your classes are actually interesting....
I have to get back to studying now, but just thought I would leave you with a "what I am reading now" teaser, in case you yourself are looking for something to read:
It is about American foreign policy since 1938. I am only on page 10. So far so good....
Tomorrow is the last day to register for classes. Or at least to register for the classes that you actually want to take, as opposed the classes you "thought" you wanted to take, before you actually thought about whether you want to take international trade theory and international monetary theory in the same semester. I decided not to--why not spread the economic fun over two semesters?
Anyway, I decided my class schedule will consist of French (intermediate-low; how I am intermediate anything in French is beyond me), international trade theory (think edgeworth box), America and the world since WW II (a sort of required course, so don't laugh at me), international political economy (talking about the meaning of capitalism at 8:30 on a Monday morning sounds like fun to you, too, right?), and European security studies (when are the EU and Russia going to be friends again?). I actually like the group of classes. Amazing when your classes are actually interesting....
I have to get back to studying now, but just thought I would leave you with a "what I am reading now" teaser, in case you yourself are looking for something to read:

Hey, we hear about these funny looking arm warmers, but now pictures? WHy not? I demand photos!
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