Rain, Rain, Go Away....
It has been raining here for days. And unfortunately this rain has not been the nice Seattle-mist type of rain. The other day, as I was walking home from school, I got caught in a torrential downpour and even with an umbrella still managed to get soaked from the knees down. Here is a picture of a drainage pipe near school. It should give you some indication of what the rain has been like: 

Last night we had a 7 PM lecture at school, given by a world-renowned foreign relations expert, Frank Fukuyama, who is a professor at SAIS' Washington DC campus. He gave a very interesting talk about W's potential foreign policy legacy. After the lecture, some friends and I headed to the Celtic Druid Irish pub again. On this occasion my roommate Megan was dared to relive her glory days by taking a shot of 151 proof rum:
Whether she actually did the shot is not for me to say....And here is a picture of me with my friend Mark:
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