As the World Turns....

The life and times of a girl trying to understand (and see) the world in Washington, D.C.

08 October 2005

Rain, Rain, Go Away....

It has been raining here for days. And unfortunately this rain has not been the nice Seattle-mist type of rain. The other day, as I was walking home from school, I got caught in a torrential downpour and even with an umbrella still managed to get soaked from the knees down. Here is a picture of a drainage pipe near school. It should give you some indication of what the rain has been like:

Last night we had a 7 PM lecture at school, given by a world-renowned foreign relations expert, Frank Fukuyama, who is a professor at SAIS' Washington DC campus. He gave a very interesting talk about W's potential foreign policy legacy. After the lecture, some friends and I headed to the Celtic Druid Irish pub again. On this occasion my roommate Megan was dared to relive her glory days by taking a shot of 151 proof rum:

Whether she actually did the shot is not for me to say....And here is a picture of me with my friend Mark:


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